As you may know, there is no real consensus on the best way to administer the Artemisinin protocol of supplements for best results. This therapy is a new one and has not been available long enough to fully evaluate the best methodology.  Artemisinin seems to work best with more advanced cancers because of the higher concentrations of iron on a cellular level in advanced cases.

    Should the protocol be taken on an empty stomach away from food, away from anti-oxidants, with oil, with calcium? Health professionals are just not sure. Only time will tell! With this in mind, below you will find the exact way that I personally have been administering the supplements for prostate cancer. I have recently had a biopsy at UCSF Medical Center by one of the top diagnostic urologists in the country that indicates that I no longer have prostate cancer. However, as we know, we are all physiologically different, and what works for one person does not necessarily work for the next.

    I had been using a strict diet, supplements, meditation, and exercise over the course of the last 7 ½ years after a cancer diagnosis at Stanford University in 1995.

    Below is a list of what I have been doing differently over the past year:

·        Artemisinin Protocol - Began in July, 2002)

·        Ten Mushroom Combination (Therapeutic Dosage) -Began in July of 2002

·        Healthy Prostate & Ovary Formula -Began in January, 2002

·        Vascu-Saponins – Began in Sep. 2002

·        Metabolic Nutrition -began in February of 2001

·        Artic Omega Fish Oils – Began July of 2002

             (I would like to think that eating for my specific metabolic type, and the fact that my blood ph is now balanced allowed me to optimize the absorption of the supplements. This increased bio-availability could be a key component to the success of the protocol.)


 Artemisinin: 2 each 100mg capsules twice daily. Away from food. Taken immediately on rising and then in mid-afternoon.

Vascu-Saponins: 2 each capsules twice daily. Along with Artemisinin.

Artic Omega Fish Oils: 1 each 1000mg capsule twice daily. Along with Artemisinin.

Healthy Prostate & Ovary Formula: 3 each, 3 times daily. Just before meals, along with other supplements.

Ten Mushroom Combination: 4 capsules, 3 times daily. Just before meals, along with other supplements.

Calcium in the form of a glass of regular milk or soy milk should be the liquid taken with the Artemisinin, Vascu-Saponins, and Artic Omega Fish Oils.

MD’s specializing in Artemisinin Therapy:

            Ba Hoang, MD, PhD  -  San Jose, Ca   408-260-9714

            Robert Rowen, MD   -  Santa Rosa, Ca 707-571-7560

You should consult with your doctor when integrating new supplements


Ken Malik / Executive Director                   415-675-5661

