Virtual On-Line Discussion & Support Group Meeting
Tuesday March 18, 2025
5-7:00pm PST
(6pm MST, 7pm CST, 8pm EST)
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Nutrition for the Prostate and Open Forum
Tabled last month: Why is America’s Diet So Deadly? We’ll discuss processed foods and cancer. Why are ultra-processed foods so dangerous? What is proper nutrition for the prostate? We’ll discuss the prostate-friendly diet and supplements. Plus, the usual open forum.
Open Forum Meetings are a great way to connect with those with similar concerns, compare notes and learn from each other! We invite you to ask about your specific prostate-related questions. PAF Zoom meetings provide an opportunity to meet and talk with guys from all over the country dealing with prostate issues. Our membership includes men with prostatitis, BPH, early and late-stage prostate cancer as well men with a family history of cancer wanting to avoid problems in later life. Friends, family and loved ones are always welcome.
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Meeting ID: 426 725 3144
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Please contact Ken Malik at 415-675-5661 or send an email to him at if you have any questions.